我的鬧鐘早上沒有響-My Alarm clock didn’t go off this morning.
我覺得我沒有聽到鬧鐘響- I don’t think I heard my alarm clock go off.
我昨天忘記設定鬧鐘了-I forgot to set my alarm clock last night
我忘記設定鬧鐘了-I have forgotten to set the alarm.
我需要兩個鬧鐘才能起床-I need two alarm clock to wake me up.
我關掉鬧鐘時還是半睡半醒的-I was still half asleep when I turned off the alarm.
鬧鐘響超過五分鐘了-The alarm was ringing for more than 5 minutes.
為什麼不把鬧鐘打開-Why don’t you turn your alarm on?
沒有鬧鐘我沒辦法自己起床-I can’t get up without an alarm.